Wednesday, June 25, 2008

catching up with the Guilty Pleasure

NOTE: I KNOWWW. I already made a post about something I found on the Turntable Lab Blog a few months ago. Well, what do you expect? I'm trying my best to cure prostate cancer; that doesn't leave much time for anything else besides reading that blog. Give a girl a break, okay?

From the Institubes blog on RCRD LBL. Go check it out!

Awww Institubes -one of my favorite big-time French electro labels that hasn't bored me yet. I spotted this interview of Jean-René Etienne (head of Institubes) from the TTL blog. I enjoyed this quote from Mr. Institubes:

"What are your feelings on [...] the whole "blog-house" hype?

Now, "blog-house", I don't really know what that is, but in LA I went to this house and there was some scruffy girl passed out half-naked in the bedroom, in the living-room people played Rock Band like their life depended on it, and you had some CDJs lying around, and on the fridge, next to a picture of Shawty Lo pasted on Pedro Winter's body, there was this sign: WELCOME TO THE BLOG HOUSE.

Come on, that's funny. Oh man, now I can't stop reminiscing about last summer's Institubes party. Damn, that shit was good. AND Para One took a picture of me dancing like a crazy mother and posted it on his Myspace. Bitches, I'm famous.

Speaking of reminiscing, the TTL blog can't stop talking about Hollertronix. It's times like these when I wish I was actually 10-15 years older and living on the East Coast. Can you imagine going to all those amazing parties and DJ nights that people are STILL TRYING TO EMULATE? I sure as hell can't; I was in my mother's womb all the way out on the boring-ass "Wesside". On second thought, even if I was born a decade ago and living somewhere like New York, I probably would have missed it because I'm a fucking lame nerd at heart. That shit is timeless.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Disco Song of the Month

I'm officially starting a new monthly post: "Disco Song of the Month". It's pretty self-explanatory and it'll ensure that I write one post per month. Here's June's song:

I love how Ms. LaSalle's pose is so slimming.

I also love how only a middle-aged woman like Denise LaSalle could sing a song like this. Muahahaha. Enjoy.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

a trip down Memory Lane

Does anyone else remember this?

Monday, June 16, 2008

Sucker for Sunglasses

Just when I thought wayfarer sunglasses were becoming a total snooze-fest (see the second "chloe" post), Cutler and Cross come up with these babies:

AH! What a brilliant idea. The color combinations are simply perfect, too!

Monday, June 9, 2008

"finding love"

Yesterday, I went with Bird Hunter to see "Sex in the City" the movie. It was cheesy, but in a good way. I realized that sometimes watching movies with an entire crowd can be fun. The best part is that my wardrobe is now totally inspired.

Today, Kyle Gorman brought this to my attention. I thought it was relevant to the movie and my love life (or lack thereof):

Right click the image and hit "View Image" to see the image at full-scale.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Introducing Elle Rex

Sorry for the lack of blogging! Just when I thought I was done with Stress, I get bombarded with with TOO. MUCH. WORK. Anyway, to keep yourselves occupied, I'll link you to the love-of-my-life's new hobby: party photography. I'm so proud of Lauren for being gutsy enough to go out with her crazy new camera and take photos of complete strangers in dark creepy corners. Gee whiz, your enthusiasm is overwhelming... Honestly, I am very impressed by the first two sets so you should take a look.

Photo from the monthly Live Forever party. By Elle Rex.