Tuesday, August 26, 2008

for those that are not London-bound

I think every other blog post I make is about how much I'd like to be in London right now. Well, here's another! I'm sure you've all heard by now about the "House of Viktor & Rolf" exhibition at London's Barbican Art Gallery. If not, where have you been? Just kidding! I'm not on the Internet to make anyone feel bad. Anyway, for those of you not reading any blogs except for mine (aww shucks), the Dutch fashion design duo Viktor & Rolf take over the Barbican to present fifteen years of their stunning work.

The exhibit features a specially constructed giant doll house that holds fifty 19th century porcelain dolls dressed in miniature replicas of the designers' signature pieces.

Today, I stumbled across a blog post from If it's Hip, It's Here that displays most of these dolls side by side with photos of their full-sized versions on the runway. Here are some of my favorites:

From the Atomic Bomb Collection (1998-99)

Bedtime Story Collection (2005-06)

From the Silver Collection (2006-07)

From the Fashion Show Collection (2007-08)

For those that will never get a chance to see this exhibit, check out the rest of the post here.

Being the weird flickr stalker that I am, I also discovered a flickr set that documents the making of the Barbican exhibition:

From growin'Up's flickr. Check out the rest of the set here.

If you are wandering aimlessly around London up to September 21st, go see the exhibit! Event details can be found here.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

fashion x olympics

How blogger of me to have caught the Olympic-fever of Summer 2008. To spare you of your sanity, I will only write one sentence: the Chinese high-end department store chain, Lane Crawford, commissioned 12 fashion designers to make Olympian uniforms. (If you'd like more details, click the image below.)

Pucci's take on a gymnastics costume. Image taken from New York Times Magazine.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008


Today, I came across a Myspace bulletin from Myspace friend WOWCH that was seriously funny (hayyy, it's an oxymoron!). For those that don't know, WOWCH makes t-shirts --funny ones. And no, these shirts are not "McCain is Insane"-funny; they're more like a-dragon-wearing-high-tops-standing-on-a-pile-of-gold-doubloons-funny. How is that funny you say? Well, I own that shirt, so it's funny!!! ANYWAY, prior to reading the Myspace bulletin, I was expecting some haphazardly-made ironic flier advertising one of WOWCH's DJ gigs. To my surprise, WOWCH was hating on the Pineapple Express movie:

OUCH, right? Apparently in 2005, Urban Outfitters sold t-shirts with this original WOWCH design:

This image is titled "fuckjamesfranco.jpg", btw.

Three years later, James Franco's Pineapple Express character is sporting a shirt with a strikingly similar design:

Oh, but clearly, the cat is orange so it's completely different. Ha! WOWCH begs to differ. In fact, he decided to write one of my favorite types of blog entries --a hateful ranting one. Go read it here . If not, at least read my favorite quote from the entry,"But hey ya know maybe James Franco got it wrong, like about 90% of his career choices since Freaks & Geeks." Double ouch. Wow, what did Mr. Franco ever do to WOWCH? To top things off, WOWCH is trying to squeeze some money out of the movie by resurrecting the 2005 design. Buy the shirt here in a color that is similar to the one in Pineapple Express. Awww, it's pretty cute to see someone so riled up over this. Mimicry is the highest form of flattery, duh.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

killing the thrill

Speaking of Anti-drug PSAs, look what I stumbled upon:

BWAHahahhaa I can't even take this seriously! You know Pee Wee Herman had to do a few lines to keep a straight face. BTW, did you guys know I love Pee Wee?

watered-down sounds

this is drugs. this is your brain on drugs. any questions?

Monday, August 4, 2008

disco blah song of blah month

Yes MOM, this blog is slowly dying. I'm aware that it needs a brainstorm, STAT! Anyway, I know you've been waiting ALL MONTH for the next exciting disco song that I'm jamming on. This is one of my most favorite songs; I most likely have talked to you about it, but in case you were snoozing like my blog, here it is again:

Don Armando and the 2nd Avenue Band - "Deputy of Love"

I just saw the 12" of this at Sweet Jane Vintage and Records for only 5 bucks! I think I might have paid over double for that so get on it if it's still there, suckas! Even if you're not interested in the song, you should still check out that store out 'cause I'm tired of being their only best customer! : P

Okay, I'll admit it: I didn't really put much effort into choosing a song for August. To make it up to you, look what I stumbled upon while cruising YouTube:

Stacey Q - "Two of Hearts"

Ha! I tricked you. This is an 80s jam! You know you love it though. The Brooklyn based duo Purple Crush does a pretty good cover of the song. You have to check them out because they sound like Peaches but for the music blog. Awww, remember Peaches? Okay, back to (-_-)oO(zzzzz)!!!