Since I literally bought an entire new wardrobe when I was back in the Bay Area, I figure I should show you a lil' of what I got. Here's the first installation:
This is my favorite New Year's resolution thus far:
"Our New Year's resolution is 300 dpi—last year was 72." -Dan Single and George Gorrw of Ksubi
Ha! I'm not that creative but here's what I got so far: 1. Get to work EVERYDAY before 10am 2. Buy more local 3. Eat less candy and other sweets 4. Update my blog and LJ more frequently
In the holiday spirit, I'm offering you all a "jungle-themed" mix cd I whipped up during my winter break. Check out the track-list to see if you'd be interested in receiving one:
1. Convertion - Let's Do It 2. Barrabas - Wild Safari 3. Wally Warning - Land of Hunger (Todd Terje edit) 4. LCD Soundsystem - Too Much Love 5. Hercules and Love Affair - Roar 6. Leila - Little Acorns (feat. Khemahl and Thaon Richardson) 7. Glass Candy - Animal Imagination 8. Kid Creole & the Coconuts - I'm a Wonderful Thing Baby 9. Ron Rogers - Yaya 10. Lizzy Mercier Descloux - Fire 11. Ris Paul Ric - Run Up Wild on Me 12. CFCF - Raining Patterns 160
If you don't already own most of these MP3s and would actually like a mix cd, leave a comment or send me an e-mail with your address. : )))
I don't know if you remember but when my blog first started, I was hatin' on vintage clothing ebay stores including Nasty Gal. Since then, Nasty Gal has started their own online store which still has overpriced vintage clothing, but alas, some of the stuff looks AMAZING so I have to cave-in and say that their merchandise can be reasonably priced at times. Plus, I kinda like the idea of an online vintage clothing store that has nothing to do with ebay. If you want that shit, you can just buy it! Unfortunately, the nasty goods sell like hot cakes so you gotta be on top of your game and check the website daily. I wanted these SOOO BADDD, but they were already sold when I checked the website:
Oh well. I LOVE these shoes even more: Lulu Chang (methinks she sorta has the American Susie Bubble blog going on) wearing some hot shit! This photo was taken from the Nasty Gal Blog.
I'm DETERMINED to find vintage red wedges when I'm out here in the Bay Area.
Speaking of "nasty" clothes, I'm diggin the Black Oak Arkansas attire (or lack of) in their live performance of "Hot and Nasty". Check it out!
While typing up my Top Ten MP3s list, I was pretending to do my online radiation safety training. I found this interesting piece of information that I'd like to share with you all:
No. of Days your life expectancy will be decreased / Hazard 3500 days / Being unmarried male 1600 days / Being unmarried female 500 days / Being 20% overweight 210 days / Increase food intake 100 cal/day 130 days / Alcohol (US average) 41 days / Drowning 40 days / Job with radiation exposure of 500 mrem/year
Conclusion: A job with radiation exposure is not hazardous. Second conclusion: Don't be an unmarried male.
Broadzilla James (apparently an avid reader of my blog?!) suggested that I get into the holiday spirit and make a music-related Top Ten list. I suppose the saying, "monkey see, monkey do" applies here. Unfortunately, I couldn't make a Top Ten Albums list because I mainly buy 12"s (:P). And seeing how it'd take too much of my time and effort to comprise a fair Top Ten Songs list, here instead is a list of of my Top Ten MP3s of 2008 (Please note that I haphazardly made this list in <10 minutes while looking through my iTunes):
1. Hercules and Love Affair – Blind:Duh! What a great jam! The Hercules and Love Affair album would be #1 on my Top Ten Albums of 2008 list if I had one.
2. The Juan Maclean – Happy House:Another no-brainer!
3. Deerhunter – Nothing Ever Happened:I don't know why, but even after listening to this song so many times, it's still just as catchy. Teehee, I love this album too!
4. Cut Copy – Hearts on Fire:I'm pretty sick of Cut Copy and I didn't like their performance when I saw them earlier this year, but hey, this was THE 2008 jam.
5. Lil Wayne featuring Bobby Valentino – Mrs. Officer:I have no shame when it comes to including this Top 40 jam on my list. The entire Lil Wayne album is solid, btw.
6. Franki Valli and the Four Seasons – Beggin’ (Pilooski Edit):Aww, a total summer 2008 jam. I have Broadzilla James to thank for telling me the details of this song. Who would have thought to edit this kind of song for the blog-house-o-sphere? Btw, Pilooski also made an edit of Elvis - Crayfish which is soooo amazing! I suppose I should have included a Todd Terje edit in this list but there's only room for one "editor" and Pilooski prevails. LOL, I STILL CAN'T BELIEVE I HAVE THIS EDIT ON VINYL! 12/22/08 edit: Kyle Miller told me that this song came out late 2007? OH WELL!
7. Watussi – If All We Had Was Love:Stickydisc records is the JAM. The other side of this 12" is also really good, but I don't have that MP3. Babytalk (side project of Hercules and Love Affair) also has a 12" on Stickydisc and it's pretty darn awesome, too. I might have included that song over the Watussi song, but having two Hercules and Love Affair songs on this Top Ten list wouldn't be fair or interesting.
8. Solange – I Decided:Okay, I am a little embarrassed for listing this song, but you know what, I like it, and I like the idea of contemporary pop singers with a "Motown"-vibe. Everything is making a comeback these days anyway, right?
9. Crystal Castles - Courtship Dating:Anyone remember Crystal Castles? Yeah, their LP came out in 2008. Weird to think that it was just a few months ago. Back then, I was a little disappointed by the LP because most of the songs on there were released on 7" already and the ones that weren't previously released pretty much sucked. This is probably the only song that didn't.
10. Panthers – Goblin (Holy Ghost! Remix):Truth be told, I had a lot of songs that could have possibly been #10. The reason why this song wins is because I'm not really a fan of Panthers or Holy Ghost! and yet they managed to make something AMAZING that I can listen to over and over again.
Recently the NY times had a little article on black lacey tights being THE fashionable accessory for this fall/winter season. BIG SURPRISE. Anyway, they actually had some nice shots of some super sexy tights so you should check out at least the slide show here. Like Susie Bubble, these are my fav: So sexy!!!
They're by Wolford, which is honestly the best brand of tights ever made. They're pricey but you definitely get what you pay for. St. Vincent said the best thing about Wolford tights, "They're like America. They never fucking run." OHHH snap! But so very true.
Chanel Pre-Fall 2009 (*JOY!* Please go check out the rest of this collection. BTW I am so excited because I have gold heels just like those AMAZING red platforms.)