Sunday, February 1, 2009

A huge reward, or rather... splurge

Yesterday, I just couldn't help checking out the winter sale at Reward, my new favorite store. I'm stoked; I finally got the Henrik Vibskov cardigan I've been eying for quite sometime:

Henrik Vibskov cardigan, second-hand geometric blouse, second-hand necklace, American Apparel leggings, Lanyard Bracelet

Being the avid perfume-wearer that I am, I browsed the store's Six Scents (brilliant project sponsored by Seven New York) and couldn't resist getting #1:

"Urban Tropicalia" by Alexander Herchcovitch & Joachim Correll: Erogenous Cedar Wood- Amber Fond, Lemon, Cassis De Bourgeons, Lime, Green, Apple, Apricot, Jasmine, Tagete, Freesia, Cinnamon, Musk

*Shakes head!* So much for saving money during hard times.

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